sobota, 15 października 2016


,,Days of the week on the plate''

created by Hubert from Poland

You must prepare a paper plate, If you want to, you can paint it or leave white.
The plate must be divided into seven parts because we have seven days of the week.
Each part of the plate must be signed with the names of days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
You will also need seven clips (they can be plastic or wooden ones). Write numbers from one to seven on the clips.
Two players can play this game. The third person is the referee and he or she controls the players' answers and counts points.
The players should put the plate in the middle of the desk.
The clips must be placed on the desk in such a way that students will not see the numbers on these clips.
One player chooses the clip and he or she says the number aloud and puts the clip on the proper part of the plate. The referee checks if it is correct answers, if yes, the person gets point, if not, the clip must be put back on the table and the player doesn't get a point.Then, the second player does the same as the first player.
The game finishes when all clips are put on the plate and the winner is player who has more points. 

Days of the week - wooden sticks

created by Nisanur, Avni Kerem, and Atilla from Turkey


  • You need wooden sticks(seven pieces)
  • You need crayons and a piece of paper
  • Write the names of the week on wooden sticks and mix them.

The rules of the game

  • Two players (or two groups) can play this game. The third person is the referee.
  • You can play game in two ways. First, you can choose one number and one day matching together accordingly. Second, you can mix numbers and days. You can arrange days and numbers in a row. Who is the faster, they are the winner.

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